Almost everyone who knows what a Linotype is has a story about the once-ubiquitous hot-metal linecasting machine which changed print and newspapers… and virtually disappeared. Lost maybe... but you can help ensure it's not forgotten.
We reckon there will be plenty of yarns around when the nostalgic ‘Linotype – The Film’ has its world premiere in New York on February 3. Other US east coast screenings are planned, but we are waiting for Asia Pacific dates.
Director Doug Wilson says they are working on trying to get a few screenings in Australia and New Zealand but "nothing is set at the moment".
See the trailer here:
"Linotype: The Film" Official trailer
Among content sources is a stack of original 16mm films provided to the film makers by Mergenthaler Linotype and used for educational and sales purposes in the 1950s and 1960s. Some of proceeds from the film may go to digitising the films, believed to be the only ones remaining in the world.
Wilson says the film will be released on DVD in the early (northern) summer.
"The best way to keep up-to-date with the film, screenings and DVD release is to sign up for our newsletter on our website: (in the right column)," he says.
• To celebrate, we’re looking for your Linotype stories, for publication on or in GXpress Magazine.
To respond with your story, click the ‘comment’ button on this page, or email Peter Coleman at
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We'd hoped the film's producers would come up with some merchandise for the best story but Wilson says there isn't any. Sorry, you'll have to do it for love!