Press maker HP has taken to the road in Europe to promote the concept of digitally-printed publications.
The first of a series of seminars was being held on November 13 in Amsterdam under the title, ‘Discover the next big thing in publishing – print’.
Presentations by Robert Baensch (director for publishing programmes at New York’s SUNY Global Institute), Jeanette Derksen of CPI Wöhrmann, Koen Luijten of Paro and Geert Gortzak of WPG contribute to the theme.
“With traditional publishing models under great pressure, digital printing offers publishers a cost-effectiveness and immediacy never before possible,” says Paul Randall, HJP’s EMEA manager for direct marketing, transactional and publishing. “Solutions can benefit publishers in all sectors, whether for magazines or books, in full colour or black and white, in hard or soft cover formats.”
Among the many advantages of digital publishing to be discussed will be printing short-runs profitably, using variable data to meet market needs and add value, helping to reduce distribution costs and eliminating warehousing – which can minimise risk while saving money and waste by printing only what is needed when it is needed – and freeing up cash.
A second half-day event is scheduled for November 21 in Milan, Italy, with others planned for London, Paris and Stuttgart in the New Year.
Pictured: HP's T410 color inkjet web press