Nine months later at the Warrego Watchman... 'significant arrivals' (updated)

Mar 31, 2013 at 04:08 am by Staff

The ABC promises "significant arrivals" in its romantic story of newspaper life in Cunnamulla, Queensland... so we'll be back.

Check the latest news of James Clark and Josephine Birch and the Warrego Watchman on the ABC's Australian Story episode on Monday evening.

We found the first episode – in July last year – compelling viewing for any newspaper tragic, so we'll be glued to the screen!

See last year's story.

OK, so we were, er, misled by the EPG. What the ABC actually showed was a rerun of last year's documentary with  a couple of slides at the end. The two 'significant arrivals' are Tex Gordon Carr Clark, born late January, and journalist Penny Langfield, recruited to run the new Charleville office. Circulation of 'Southwest Queensland's newspaper' has apparently doubled... and James and Philip Clark are rebuilding the shearing shed. Still charming, though!

-Peter Coleman

Sections: Newsmedia industry