Creps up to speed after fire

Feb 20, 2014 at 05:32 pm by Staff

Three new insert presses have brought Indiana (Pennsylvania) printer Creps back up to speed following a devastating fire.

A new 9290 m2 facility is now home to two Goss Sunday 2000i presses (1450 mm wide) and a 1680 mm wide Sunday 3000i following the fire at Creps United Publications in October 2012.

Partner Jake Creps says that with all three presses now in production, the company has a total print capacity of more than four million pages an hour. “We’re especially pleased that we can match the output of double-circumference presses without the need for double plating,” he says.

Plans for 2014 include duplexing one of the Sunday 2000i presses with the Sunday 3000i for increased product flexibility and pagination.

Creps says pressroom acceptance of the Sunday technology has been unanimous: “All our operators have been raving about the high quality, repeatability and efficiency and how much easier it is for them to achieve these targets,” he says.

“We’ve been very well supported by Goss throughout this process.”

Pictured: partners Howard (left) and Jacob Creps

Below: The three new presses

Sections: Newspaper production