Imposing solution to an offset-or-digital problem

Aug 14, 2015 at 11:09 am by Staff

manroland has teamed with Ultimate Technographics to develop an imposition system for digital and hybrid production.

The new Imposer software handles job-specific and automated imposing for both digital and offset printing, and follows recent development of workflow and job management solutions MasterQ and WorkflowBridge.

Andreas Elchlepp, who works in product management software development at manroland web systems, says Imposer differs from standard imposition solutions in that it recognises and uses production aggregates, optimized production processes, and the job structure.

The patent-pending method matches the imposition to the job, complying with the requirements of digital printing as well as offset and hybrid. "This is ideal for today's printshops that vary their printing methods according to the job," he says. "Reprinting short or individual runs via print-on-demand is customary.

"Our solution is modular and perfectly matches existing customer requirements, while being scalable and dynamic for the largest variety of production settings."

Canada-based Ultimate Technographics pioneered digital imposition with its first release of Impostrip in 1989.

Sections: Newspaper production