Singapore office latest move in a busy year for Atex

Nov 04, 2011 at 12:04 am by Staff

New Asia corporate headquarters for Atex are the latest in a succession of changes since director Jim Rose was announced as chief executive in January.

The UK-headquartered systems developer has also appointed new global communications manager and global vice president of partners and marketing, reorganised its EMEA region, and upgraded its offices in the US.

In Singapore, the company has moved to a modern office space on Thompson Road in United Square, Novena.

Rose says the city has a vibrant and growing technology industry, and is excited about the opportunity the new office presents.

“The expected growth of Atex’s operations in the region, coupled with our desire to provide employees with a workplace they can be proud of, were key factors in opening this new office.”

Reorganisation of the EMEA region has seen the appointment of business development manager Saul Clackson and an inside sales executive. Jean Paul Chauvet was appointed chief executive for the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region in September, adding this to existing responsibilities for global sales and marketing.

Atex has also established new zones and appointed managing directors to lead each region – Ian Baynes for the UK, Netherlands, Middle East and Africa; Federico Marturano for Italy; Bernard Habert for France, Spain and Portugal; Henning Hinz – Germany, Austria and Switzerland; and Jonas Bringle for Scandinavia.

Last month, Adrian Pike was named global vice president of partners and marketing, while Nicola Brookes joined the company as global communications manager from UK-based PR consultancy Loud Group.

Sections: Digital technology