Las Vegas gamble pays off for Sydney-based Pongrass

Mar 18, 2009 at 11:32 pm by Staff

Back in Sydney from MediaXchange in Las Vegas, the team from Pongrass Newspaper Systems – supporting its US distributor Icanon – brought reports of a successful show, despite the troubled economy.

“Even with the downturn in the global economy, the attendees came from all over the US and Latin America,” says general manager Shelley Hando. “The buzz on the floor was back to basics with keen interest in classified booking and pagination plus editorial.”

The Pongrass offering of ‘true web browser based applications’ in a single database was the key attraction at the booth.

Managing director Les Pongrass, training manager Michael Sullivan (left) and Shelley Hando (second from right) are pictured with Icanon team members Joe Lewinski (chief executive). Senior programmers Jay Sherman and Jim Miani, support engineer Keith Morley, Kim Rich (sales) and Gary Markle (sales and marketing director).
Sections: Newsmedia industry