University install a first for ppi Media

Dec 05, 2014 at 10:07 am by Staff

German students looking at how publishing companies work will have access to the latest ppi systems technology.

At Dortmund technical university, about 100 journalism students focus on the link between theory and practice, what the distinctive characteristics of quality journalism are, and how topics be produced for multiple channels and presented interactively.

For some years, the Institute of Journalism has been using Digital Collections' DC-X digital asset management system; now management has decided to upgrade to the "complete solution" using the Content-X editorial system jointly developed by ppi Media and Digital Collections.

The new "all-rounder" system combines the DAM functions of DC-X with those of InDesign, processing media-neutral content for use in different media channels.

It is the first time it has been used for training journalists at university.

"This will allow our students to gain practical knowledge of how multichannel publishing works for our campus magazine," says lecturer Tobias Schweigmann.

"As part of our goal to offer modern, cross-media training, the decision to install Content-X was the next logical step for us.

Sections: Digital business