iPad app updates managers on ad opportunities

Feb 18, 2015 at 09:22 am by Staff

Staff on Germany's Süddeutsche Zeitung will have a better idea of where and how advertisements are appearing - and where space is available - thanks to an upgrade of ppi software there.

The AdX Print app enables them to use iPads to quickly overview their current bookings.

The paper is one of Germany's largest and most widely read dailies, and has been a ppi Media customer for almost 15 years. It also uses the developer's output management, ad pagination and page assembly products, as well as ink optimisation software.

The AdX Print iPad app displays current bookings regardless of publication date and sales zone, showing precisely where and in which publication a specific ad has been placed and whether there is additional advertising space available. Integrated with PlanPag, it also provides complete information on scheduled pages and waiting lists.

"When the division heads in advertising are out of the office, they can still always be up-to-date on ad placements and need no longer rely on the availability of their colleagues in newspaper planning," says SZ production/IT head Thomas Jarisch. "Being able to visualise production in its totality is much more effective than having to call and ask about placement."

Sections: Digital business