Cxense teams with Japan's DAC

Mar 30, 2015 at 11:57 pm by Staff

Cxense and Japanese advertising giant DAC have teamed to sell a marketing solution combining their technologies.

DAC will integrate its FlexOne publisher ad server and DMP AudienceOne products with Cxense solutions such as the Cxense DMP.

User behavioural information integrated with CRM data in real time can be used to deliver dynamic site personalisation, recommend content and target advertising and promotions.

Through the reseller agreement, DAC will distribute Cxense's Insight, Content and DMP, while DAC will collaborate and combine solutions with its DMP AudienceOne.

DAC (DA Consortium) is one of the largest digital ad agencies in Japan, having been established in 1996 as a consortium of leading ad agencies. Headquartered in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, it has five other offices and 11 subsidiaries worldwide.

Sections: Digital business