Claro goes soft on fashion, automatically

Mar 31, 2015 at 07:19 pm by Staff

A new version of Elpical's Claro automatic image enhancement solution includes an all-new user interface.

The Claro 10 upgrade also includes an intelligent colour filter which addresses the 'look and feel' of different publications and applications - as in warm, soft images for fashion magazines and hard, colourful ones in markets such as motorsport.

Beyond the existing ability to customise settings, the upgrade allows users to apply a new intelligent colour filter that allows for warmer or cooler images using any colour they please. "Applying a colour filter on a complete image is great for the colours in an image but not so great on the neutrals, such as white clothing becoming yellowish," says Elpical's Jessica Brinkert. "The new automatic Claro colour filter allows keeping the neutrals neutral while enhancing the colours in images."

Elpical has also reviewed licence arrangements, with the ability to activate a new license online, and 'rent' the software.

A new site gives access to the full documentation plus 'tips and tricks' and a forum.

Sections: Digital business