ICQC back with 2022 dates and five categories

Mar 03, 2022 at 10:07 am by admin

A “hall of fame” will honour multiple winners in WAN-Ifra’s International Color Quality Club contest, which has opened for registration.

The 2022–2024 print quality contest – now for newspapers and magazines – will honour five-time, Star and Milennium Club publishers, with winners to be announced in August and awarded at the World Printers Forum.

Registration closes on May 15, with early-registering participants being offered a free pre-check in April.

The ISO-aligned competition has been held every two years since 1994.

Publishers and printers can register one or more publication titles according to print process, in the five categories:

-coldset offset on newsprint;

-heatset offset or UV-curing offset on newsprint (semicommercial);

-heatset offset or UV-curing offset on SC or LWC paper (semicommercial);

-printing under own standard or non-standard conditions, such as on tinted paper through offset, flexography or digital printing; and

-magazines, printed in sheet-fed offset, heatset offset, gravure or digital inkjet

Quality is judged in two ways: A print control element (cuboid) is measured by colorimetric devices and evaluates the technical scoring according to ISO 12347-3 standard targets. Secondly, overall visual print quality of the newspaper is evaluated by juries.

Visit the ICQC website for more about the competition and registration process.

Sections: Print business