AI aids score stories, headlines to boost reader time spent

Feb 14, 2024 at 04:17 pm by admin

Powerful AI tools are ushering in a new era of innovation, efficiency and engagement for media, according to Ring Publishing’s Agnieszka Leśniewska.

In an INMA ideas blog, the Kraków-based brand manager relates the Polish publisher’s experiences.

AI assistants in editorial support are creating highly personalised user experiences with content, with results showing they increase user time on a website by eight per cent. “This means that by using AI-based assistants, editorial teams can streamline their processes and deliver content that resonates more deeply with readers, ultimately leading to higher user engagement and longer stays on their sites.

“This benefits both content creators and their audiences,” she says.

AI technology is becoming a vital tool in creating editorial articles – much like search engines or spell checkers in the past: “What makes AI so effective is its ability to analyse vast amounts of information and generate content suggestions on a scale that humans alone cannot achieve.

“However, the ultimate decisions regarding content, tone, and context remain in the hands of editors and authors. This fusion of human and Artificial Intelligence ensures the articles are efficient and thoughtful.”

She says resistance to implementing AI in editorial processes often stems from the fear it may replace humans. “However, AI solutions can be tools that support editorial teams in tedious tasks. They act as valuable allies that streamline workflows, offer suggestions, and increase productivity. Adopting AI tools does not mean displacing human talent; on the contrary, they support creative work.”

She says AI-based solutions such as article summaries have introduced efficiency and innovation in editorial processes. “Through meticulous content analysis, which involves identifying keywords and contextual relationships, the system produces concise, consistent, and informative summaries.

“Specifically, the GenAI Bullets Suggestions significantly decrease the time required to publish breaking news. This leads to the swift delivery of real-time information during critical events, as evidenced by its outstanding performance during the recent parliamentary elections in Poland, where it demonstrated remarkable speed and accuracy.”

Many CMS extensions rely on AI to support the content creation process – among them Story Score, which provides real-time information to the editor to optimise the article being created.

Predefined rules, such as using keywords, length of headlines, and adding media, are shown in the article creator panel. While working on the article, they give the author tips for better text optimisation.

“The real-time creation of editor-driven content is strategic for increasing time spent on the site and boosting SEO-based traffic,” she says. “Our internal reports show a 60 per cent increase in time spent on articles with a high Story Score, showcasing the effectiveness of AI in optimising content for audience engagement.

“Despite the transformative power of AI, fear of implementation remains a significant obstacle. Concerns about redundancy, data privacy, bias, ethical dilemmas, and the loss of control over increasingly autonomous systems hinder adoption.

“Addressing these concerns through transparency and team education is crucial to harnessing the benefits of AI responsibly and integrating it into our lives and industries.

“As AI continues to evolve, its growing role in newsrooms promises to enhance efficiency, engagement, and the overall quality of content creation.”

Sections: Content & marketing