Young team help provide confidence in the desert

May 17, 2024 at 01:23 pm by admin

In a city surrounded by desert, print dependability is uppermost in minds at the Review-Journal in Las Vegas.

So much so, perhaps, that the publisher has spent two years considering options to upgrade drive and press controls on its 24-year-old Goss Newsliner, finally opting in favour of a DCOS solution delivered by ImPressions Worldwide.

The press consists of two eight-tower, dual-folder lines, each with 12 Amal AR80 reelstands.

The towers are ‘couple shaftless’ and have eight 35 HP AC motors per tower, with Honeywell Printa II controls and a Bosch Rexroth DIAX drive system described as “of the DKR/DDS generation”. The retrofit scope includes replacement of ten CLCs, all Sercos fibre optic rings, DKR drives, KVD power supply modules, DDS drive and 2AD/MDD motor encoders for about 100 drives and motors. The equipment will ship from Sweden at the end of this year with commissioning during the first quarter of 2025.

DCOS chief executive Mattias Andersson is delighted with the order and says “as a former Honeywell commissioning engineer”, maintenance manager Jarmo Lappalainen “asks all the right questions and is well suited to choose the best solution.

“I’m honoured we have won the trust of Janet and Jarmo to become their partner on this project.”

Lappalainen says a decisive factor had been that DCOS would replace all critical parts, “not just some of them” and offered extensive references and a clear technological superiority” over other solutions presented.

Operations vice president Janet Owen said she was “impressed with the young average age at DCOS, and the belief they will be around to support this system”.

Pictured (from left): Mattias Andersson, Jarmo Lappalainen, ImPressions sales vice president Dave Gilmore, and Janet Owen

Sections: Newspaper production