Terms of the settlement with Print2Finish are confidential, and arose from the Quad/Tech, Inc. v. QI Press Controls, BV, et. al., case.
QuadTech says it is continuing litigation against QIPC over the mRC and IDS products, taking the position that mRC either infringes the 577 patent when used in markless registration mode, or that QIPC has been misleading the market by claiming it has a markless registration system.
QuadTech says it has decided it will now focus on the latter.
Karl Fritchen, president of QuadTech says the company has learned that QIPC has not sold any markless register control systems. “As a result, to expedite the litigation, we have informed the court that we will not pursue our patent infringement claim against the mRC product, but intend to continue with our deceptive advertising claim,” he says.
QuadTech has separate pending patent infringement actions against QIPC's IDS colour control product, claiming patents related to positioning the camera over an area of interest and a method for generating a profile of a printing press have been infringed. The company says it continues to pursue these claims against QIPC and its IDS product.
• A statement by QI Press Controls welcomed Quad/Tech’s announcement that it will no longer pursue its patent infringement claim against QI in the case titled Quad/Tech, Inc. v. QI Press Controls, B.V., et. al. (E.D. Pa. 09-cv-2561).
“Quad/Tech first filed its infringement case in 2009. From the beginning, Quad/Tech claimed that the mRC registration control product QI sold in the United States infringed a Quad/Tech patent,” it said. “From the beginning, QI has vigorously defended itself in court and maintained that Quad/Tech's claims have no merit. QI won the first round in the patent infringement case in the Court's written opinion of April 1, 2010, which was upheld on appeal. The Court’s opinion can be found at 701 F. Supp. 2d 644.
“Quad/Tech's public announcement that it will no longer pursue this claim is, therefore, a step in the right direction. Quad/Tech made its announcement while QI's and Print2Finish's Motion for Summary Judgment is pending. That Motion, which QI and Print2Finish filed in May, seeks to dismiss all of Quad/Tech's claims, including the patent infringement claim Quad/Tech has now decided not to pursue. QI is hopeful that the Court will grant the Motion in its entirety and dismiss all of Quad/Tech's claims sometime in the near future.”