Print positivity earns ‘positively print’ award

Oct 08, 2012 at 03:31 am by Staff

Print City’s ‘Print: Seen! Lean and green’ book has been honoured by GraphExpo organiser Graphic Arts Show Company’s ‘Positively Print’ print advocacy programme.

The award was announced following the Executive Outlook conference on the eve of the Chicago graphic communications exhibition and conference (October 7-10).

Nominated candidates were evaluated on their originality and perceived effectiveness in delivering the message of print as an integral and effective component of today’s integrated marketing campaigns.

“The purpose of the Positively Print programme is to share examples of creative and effective print advocacy campaigns with the entire graphic communications industry,” GASC president Ralph Nappi says.  “We want to demonstrate to companies involved in print that advocating for print can be done and helps to carry a powerful message that will benefit the entire industry.”

PrintCity managing director Rainer Kuhn says the group is extremely proud to receive the award: “It shows that the efforts of the alliance to combine cross-industry knowledge are recognised and honoured by the market.”

“The book is Positively Print indeed – relevant content with a superb design to touch the senses of the reader.”

President John Dangelmaier thanked all the people, companies and organisations who contributed to the result.

Sections: Print business


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