Ifra takes INCQC tutorials on tour

Jun 04, 2009 at 03:14 am by Staff

One-day tutorials being held in Germany (June and October), India (July), Austria (October), Malaysia and Indonesia (both November) will help newspapers prepare for the next round of Ifra’s International Newspaper Color Quality Club competition. Topics to be dealt with include: • quality management in practice, • the ISO 12647-3 newspaper printing standard, • colour spaces in newspaper printing, • grey balance, • control of dot gain, • measuring techniques, measurement and evaluation, • the Ifra cuboid and its use, • evaluation reports as a quality barometer, and • analysis of the competition procedure Participants receive detailed basic information, practical tips, and learn what to pay attention to when carrying out the printing tests. The locations currently planned are: June 2009 – Darmstadt, July 2009 – Hyderabad (India), October 2009 – Darmstadt and Vienna, November 2009 – Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Jakarta (Indonesia). Ifra says additional dates for tutorial events can be arranged if required – see the website at www.colorqualityclub.org for more details or contact Ulrike Cremer (cremer@ifra.com) for more information. The International Newspaper Color Quality Club was formed in 1994 with the support of the NAA in North America and PANPA in Australia … since joined by ATDL (Latin America), ASIG (Italy), Sanomalehtien Litto (Finland), Tidnings Utgivarna (Sweden), MBL (Norway) and ZMG Zeitungs Marketing Gesellschaft (Germany).
Sections: Print business


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