QuadTech adds more products to QI patent action

Mar 11, 2010 at 05:12 pm by Staff

Press control systems developer QuadTech says it has asked the US District Court in Philadelphia to expand its patent infringement action against QI Press Controls to include two additional QIPC products – its Intelligent Register System (IRS) and Intelligent Density System (IDS). The US action was started by QuadTech in June 2009, alleging that QIPC’s mRC register control system infringes on US patent 5,412,577. Now QuadTech has moved to amend its complaint to assert that QIPC’s Intelligent Register System and Intelligent Density System also infringe the same QuadTech patent. QuadTech recently succeeded in preventing Q.I. Press Controls from infringing a related patent in Germany. There, the Court has prevented QI Press Controls from marketing or otherwise selling its mRC system (also known as markless Register Control) in Germany.
Sections: Print business


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