How AI is transforming human resources workflows

Dec 13, 2023 at 12:32 pm by admin

Times of India publisher Bennett Coleman & Co is using Artificial Intelligence to transform its human resources workflows, allowing a focus on strategic initiatives.

In an INMA media leaders blog, human resources director Amit Das tells how AI-powered HR systems are changing media employee acquisition and engagement.

“In the dynamic and evolving realm of human resources, the integration of AI is revolutionising the way organisations manage their workforces and drive business success,” he says.

“AI-powered HR systems are transforming traditional processes and using automation, data analytics, and intelligent algorithms to increase efficiency and facilitate better decision-making, which enables organisations to thrive.”

No longer just a futuristic concept, AI is now firmly integrated in the HR process, driving organisational growth and enhancing the overall employee experience.

In talent acquisition, organisations can identify, attract and hire top talent with greater precision and efficiency, with AI-powered tools used to scan resumes, analyse social media profiles and assess candidate skills and experience.

“This automation frees up HR professionals to focus on building relationships with potential candidates and creating a positive candidate experience,” he says.

AI is also being used to personalise the recruitment process by tailoring job postings and communication to specific candidate profiles. Additionally, AI can provide real-time feedback to candidates during the application process, helping them improve their chances of success.

Das says AI is transforming employee engagement by providing personalised insights into employee needs and preferences. “AI-powered tools are being leveraged to analyse employee data, such as sentiment analyses of feedback surveys, to identify common concerns and areas for improvement,” he says. “This data-driven approach enables HR professionals to address employee issues proactively, fostering a more engaged and productive workforce.”

AI is also being harnessed to personalise employee experiences by providing tailored recommendations for training, career development and benefits. AI can also automate routine tasks such as scheduling and administrative processes.

AI is also being employed to automate performance feedback and recognition, and identify high-performing employees and potential leaders, as swell as streamlining administrative processes such as onboarding, payroll and benefits administration. “This automation frees up HR professionals to focus on more strategic initiatives that contribute to the overall organisational growth,” he says.

AI-powered tools are increasingly being adopted to streamline communication with employees, and to automate compliance with labour laws and regulations.

“AI is rapidly evolving, and its impact on HR is only expected to grow in the future.

“HR professionals who embrace AI and develop the skills to work effectively with AI-powered tools will be well-positioned to succeed in the future of work. AI will not replace HR professionals. Rather, it will augment their capabilities and enable them to focus on the most strategic and value-added aspects of their work.


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