AI & digital technology

More opt for innovative print production system

May 26, 2022 at 07:24 pm by admin

Three Scandinavian publishers have opted for Roxen production tools, only weeks after the company signed US daily the Philadelphia Inquirer. The Swedish developer is to insta.... Read More

Patterns with pix as tool automates effects

May 26, 2022 at 07:09 pm by admin

Mosaics and picture-in-picture mugshots are among the automatic effects from a new production tool. Atex’s new Matik image collage tool allows users of its Desk product.... Read More

Bots and journos work together to recreate local info hub

May 18, 2022 at 07:51 pm by admin

Projects to automate property and sports reports, together with tools for data visualisation and social publishing have followed a brainstorming session at US regional group M.... Read More

Carefully outsourcing tech can be a swift, sure solution

Apr 21, 2022 at 03:36 am by admin

Advantages of getting a vendor to take on a variety of tech roles outweigh the cons, according to Zafar Sawant. In an INMA Product and Tech blog this week, he argues that out.... Read More

Spain’s Prisa Group confirms Hermes commitment

Apr 13, 2022 at 02:51 am by admin

Madrid-headquartered media group Prisa has made a new technology commitment for print production of its leading mastheads, confirming a relationship that has lasted a quarter.... Read More