AI & digital technology

SPH sharp with Web TV

Dec 09, 2008 at 04:22 pm by Staff

Singapore Press Holdings has launched the island state’s first Web TV portal, ‘Straits Times Razor TV ( in August using CoreMedia’s content management technology.... Read More

SPH sharp with Web TV

Dec 09, 2008 at 04:22 pm by Staff

Singapore Press Holdings has launched the island state’s first Web TV portal, ‘Straits Times Razor TV ( in August using CoreMedia’s content management technology.... Read More

XML solution looked over, Down Under

Dec 09, 2008 at 04:19 pm by Staff

Much of the IfraExpo buzz was about editorial and advertising systems ... and interest from major Australian publishers had added a frisson of excitement to the chase. An e.... Read More

No joy for Asia-Pacific in Ifra's XMA crossmedia awards

Oct 27, 2008 at 08:01 pm by Staff

There was a shortage of good news for Asia-Pacific publishers when IfraExpo in Amsterdam opened this morning with the announcement of winners in its XMA Cross Media Awards..... Read More

No joy for Asia-Pacific in Ifra's XMA crossmedia awards

Oct 27, 2008 at 08:01 pm by Staff

There was a shortage of good news for Asia-Pacific publishers when IfraExpo in Amsterdam opened this morning with the announcement of winners in its XMA Cross Media Awards..... Read More