Columns & opinion

Bulletin makeover heralds new start for PANPA

Jul 27, 2008 at 07:34 pm by Staff

A revamped tabloid magazine is a cornerstone in the rebuilding of PANPA’s sense of community, under new chief executive Mark Hollands. The newspaper-style ‘Bulletin’ – with.... Read More

Publish Asia: Indians chase an affluent young female

Jul 27, 2008 at 07:28 pm by Staff

Headlines to stories about the takeover of Jaguar by Indian carmaker Tata bring home the difference between Associated Newspapers’ ‘Mail Today’ joint venture in the subcontine.... Read More

Publish Asia: Dominating the 'me-space'

Jul 27, 2008 at 07:25 pm by Staff

Ifra Newsplex director Dietmar Schantin believes the immediate future is in integrated mobile, online, broadcast and print media information streams: “People want to be integr.... Read More

Publish Asia: Betting on a future

Jul 27, 2008 at 07:23 pm by Staff

It was oddly symbolic: bustling Macau, now dependent on revenue from tourism and gambling, trying to find space and time for its heritage-listed past. The former Portuguese.... Read More

Nexpo brings ideas on change for those ready to tackle it

Jul 27, 2008 at 06:38 pm by Staff

Maybe it’s a generational difference: Change is something our kids take for granted but with which their elders often have difficulty in coming to terms. And Nexpo and the NAA.... Read More