A partnership between market research company Ipsos and audience data firm Eyeota will make more audience data available online.
The partners say advertising buyers will now be able to purchase digital audiences "in a way that mirrors how offline media was traditionally bought" through the combination of Ipsos' geo-demographic datasets with Eyeota's data digitalisation capability.
The partnership will also see The Newspaper Works' emma cross-platform audience insights survey transformed into actionable audience data segments. Marketers and media planners will be able to access the profile segments on all major online media buying platforms.
The Ipsos-Eyeota partnership also means a similar facility will be available for RDA Research's geoTribes.
Eyeota chief executive Kevin Tan says introducing Ipsos' branded profiles make media buyers more confident about spending on online media, and further establish the data-driven space.
"emma behavioural and intention to purchase segments will allow advertisers and media agencies to paint richer, more contemporary consumer portraits with total confidence in the data."
Tan says Australia is a global leader in programmatic markets, with rapidly growing demand for high quality audience data: "The quarterly Q2 Eyeota Index revealed that audience data usage increased 61 per cent in Australia from Q1," he said.
Developed by Ipsos for The Readership Works, emma offers cross-channel media measurement and audience demographic, socioeconomic, attitudinal and segmentation variables. Ipsos MediaCT managing director Simon Wake says the partnership with Eyeota will make the wealth of rich data on Australian consumers actionable across all major programmatic buying platforms: "With audience targeting now established as the most critical element in successful programmatic media, the high quality consumer behaviour data from the emma survey enables a significant enhancement of targeting capability.
"Advertisers will not only have multi-dimensional insights into their consumers, but will also be able to directly target them online."